
Safe to say this qualifies as WTF (x-post from WTF)

Tire steel wire remover

How to steal a car

That's one way to enjoy the view...

Great yo-yo tricks up until the end

Cat chases bear up a tree.

r/TwoXChromosomes vs r/TheRedPill


"Give me your cuddles!"


The things you do for your country


I could stare at this cat for hours....

Rain Dancer

Curious Cat meets a Bathtub Fish

My toucan playing catch in super Slow-Mo (2500FPS)

With all the livememe links on the front page


A thermal view of the F1 car doing some donuts.

This pool shower

Hang in there buddy

Now that's talent

Choices were made

Doing some chair splits while holding 100lbs above his head.

has anyone noticed the baby emoji's hair is a crescent moon?

Lightsaber school in Singapore. They teach real sword techniques using lightsabers.

Paper V6 engine powered by a balloon


\ Kappa / Mug

A priest deflecting bullets with Wolverine fangs.

So you think you can dance? Watch me!

He was like this for 20 minutes

Here, let me get that for you...

Squirrel's amazing jump off the building on to tree

Little duck feeding the fish

Pressure washing 100 years of grime off a century-old gravestone

Adult Hungry Hungry Hippos

Getting out of a Helicopter at 5,000ft

BB-8 attempting to communicate with native life forms

More crossfit.

Suprise, shame, and poop.

Shanghai, 1990 versus today


Vertical take-off

Flying a kite.

Don't Run! The Cops are here to help!

Looks like Disney was using the first-person shooter perspective way back in 1931.

World Tournament Pen Spinning

Ants circling iPhone react collectively once it starts ringing.

Novak Djokovic celebrating at the US Open