
Back yard Time-lapse of storm rolling in (Leander, TX)

VR Talent Shows Are Wild

She Got Pussy Blocked


I wish this wasn't happening to me

Heat wave. Temperature can be between 700°c and 1200°c.

Facebook social quizes are data mining phishing scams. I don't know what amazes me more: the fact that people still participate in them or that I am still on Facebook.

Two golden eagles fighting mid-air

I have a pet parrot, what do you have?

Smelly bird taking a bath

Animals always getting in the way

Woman rips off burqa after ISIS is driven from Raqqa

I found that by tracking Earth's shadow instead of the moon it is much easier to visualize what happens during a lunar eclipse. Watch as our moon just drifts through Earth's waiting shadow.

Peaceful flow of this stream and scenery

Climbing a Coconut Tree

"Oh my god" (strobe warning)

Hundreds of hummingbirbs having a feast at a location that's been feeding them for over 8 years straight. Never seen this quantity of wild hummers in a single location before!

Because you fucking shot me, Daniel

A mini galaxy in your palm

Snow face.

I drew this pixel art scene based on the hanging lake in Oregon [OC]

Andre Drummond BRUTALLY ASSAULTS an opponent

If you're having a bad day, just think of this little guy...

New Call of Duty Mobile Trailer cashing on vaccine hesitancy. Let's make children and teenagers more scared of shots before they even get one......

Panda forgets about its cub

Pygmy marmoset is fascinated by an insect

Ronaldo BRUTALLY ASSAULTS an opponent!

Tickling a Shark

This Falcon using the wind to stationary hover while barely using its wings. Look at the head stabilization.

Some dark humor

Getting a drink from the well

Manchester Facepalms

The name of the referee is Fernanda Colombo

The winner gets to leave on their own power and without a concussion.

Not the sign!

This Bollywood action scene

My wife and I attempting to walk into a restaurant for the first time in 16 months, post-COVID

Wife took a video of our cat lounging while I ate gushers and watched For All Man Kind in the background

Tattooed streamer "poses" with a cake


The way I walk around with my Covid vaccination card

Just fun time🤣🤣🤣


Cheesy black hole

A spinning pixel rocket (OC)

Daughter very pleased on hike this morning

They came to conqur


Everyone hold on!

Varnishing my lobster painting!