
Totoro gives side-eye

Kill Bill rope dart fire spinning

Tears Of Joy

Oregon fire makes the sky red

Forest Run Loop - 3D Animation (Anime Style)

(Dance) Night at the museum

Sunset in Portland

Who let that cat in the kitchen?

Infamous clip of Simon Cowell losing his straw yesterday...

Lochness monster in sand

A full loop of the zoomies

Getting snuggled up


I got your back, bro!

I drew this pixel art animation and called it "Artist fire" [OC]

a real man don't check the phone but the tire pressure

They sure can mooove

This is the good life

King Cobra vs. Mongoose

Good kid spots neighbor's dropped wallet in driveway, returns it.

The Blueberry Forest

Bill Murray dealing with the reality about Dolly Parton.

Dead Whale Explodes

Rocking her to sleep

Oil Tanker In Rough Seas

Rogue Wave Smashing Into Patrol Ship Off The Coast Of Antarctica

M101 Supernova - SN2023ixf

The World’s Largest Open Pit Iron Mine In Hibbing, Minnesota. A Manmade Grand Canyon

Perfect Fit

Happy lap chickens being pet

Fukang Pallasite Meteorite From Fukang China

Border, some pixel art by me.

Camping in the ruins pixelart

This is straight-up-chin quality brushing

Happy pig

Me and my responsibilities (Alone in the Dark)

Liquids Refracting

My 87 year-old grandpa dancing with my Goldendoodle

artist superman

I drew this pixel art scene using 13 colors and celled it "γ" [OC]

Introducing the carpet shark

Magic For Cat

Doggo rides a scooter.

The 24-cell (6th platonic solid in 4D) resembles a tetrakis hexahedron

Just a normal view in Switzerland

One lesson still to be learnt

Friends keep you looking your best

Chicken walking


I feel like this could use some sound.